All, these are our results from the third round of 4NCL Online.

Skip was kept busier than usual tonight, in part with a couple of faulty game-starts, in part with an Ox3 faux pas (see next para) and in part doing Division 1 PGN. While doing that he noticed a coincidence: Arya’s game in Div 2 finished in a near-identical position to Cooper v Houska with reverse colours. It was a good win by Arya in a losing cause, and Nakul managed a draw on his debut in Ox1 against an Icelandic FM. Oxford 3 lost for the first time this season but Oxford 4 announced their arrival in Division 5 with a bang, winning by the maximum.
Games Skip has gathered 15 of our games at There’s one missing, the Ox3 board 2 game: unfortunately a Lichess alarm bell went off on that game and our man was defaulted. Ho hum. I hear from the arbiters that something similar happened to someone else tonight in another part of the country.